Always Missing You

/November 2021

"Always Missing You" is a song sung by Wang Ziming in 1999 and included in the album "Sad Rain".

I stand in front of this window and look at the sky in the distance

Yueer Wanwan always looks at me

Like your eyes when you are young

I leaned against this window to miss the moon in my dream

Is it still like before when I grow up leaning there

The vow of hooking my fingers has gone through many years and years

Turns out that is the changed body of you and me now

Always miss you in my eyes

I can't change myself

Come here, I can't get out of you

Always miss you in my eyes

That is light smoke with rain

You drifted over, drifted past, now drifting in my eyes

I stand in front of this window and look at the sky in the distance

Yueer Wanwan always looks at me

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Like your eyes when you are young

I leaned against this window to miss the moon in my dream

Is it still like before when I grow up leaning there

Always miss you in my eyes

I can't change myself

Come here, I can't get out of you

Always miss you in my eyes

That is light smoke with rain

What is happiness? Happiness is a mother's heavy love for her daughter, happiness is a teacher's care for her classmates, and happiness is a pure friendship between classmates. Only by savouring and cherishing with your heart can you taste the sweetness of happiness. What is happiness? Happiness is a smile and a greeting from a passerby when I am helpless; happiness is a handful of sweet spring water when I am thirsty and intolerable; happiness is a soft bed when I am exhausted; happiness is a letter when I am lonely Plain paper in the distance. What is happiness? Happiness is receiving a caring call from my father who works outside at school. Happiness is the loving look in the teacher's eyes after answering questions in class. Happiness is the ability of friends in life to listen to the distress in my heart. There is no absolute happiness in the world, only unwillingness to be happy. Many times we are always too stubborn, clinging to our own willful glass heart, always complaining about others’ incomprehension, but ignoring our own elements and not going. Discover the good things in life with heart, so that if you lose the opportunity to be happy, you can't feel the light of happiness.